THEN i spent the rest of the day out of town at a baby shower for my first friend to become a grandma.....
Sunday, I wasted the morning waiting on a friend for a trail ride.....I waited long enough...and it got to the point that there just wasn't enough time to ride and still make it to a lesson, so instead Rose went to the lesson with me, and we played a bit and did 2 leg lifts on each leg and went home. I was a bit disapointed as I wanted to ride....but.....there's always next weekend. I plan on playing with Piaffe tonight.
But I did get to watch a few dvds.....
One was about myofascial release for both horse and rider and it was interesting, the other was a HUGE disappointment. It was a piaffe dvd, and I got it because Riz credits this person as being one of his mentors. And while I am fully aware that a person can be a great instructor in person and not be able to produce a good dvd. So I do not disrespect a persons method solely based on their dvd, unless the dvd is soooo bad by way of horsemanship that I have no other choice. This was unfortunately the case and I can assure you, if this person was one of his mentors, again based on the dvd, the student FAR surpassed the teacher in ways of being a horseman. Yet again, I am back to…..Riz’s dvd is not only a one of a kind, but also the most detailed, thorough, thoughtful, effective, sensible and gentle Piaffe dvd in production. Click here for the dvd review
I have seen several methods for starting the Piaffe, though that was not the intended subject matter of the dvd. So now my brain is swirling with ideas of how I would like to proceed this evening. There is also several methods for teaching a horse…well….anything. I was reading an article the other day, can’t remember now where I read it though, regarding ‘breakthru’ training. It was talking about how when you are teaching something, that while it is a well respected and followed method to quit while you are WAY ahead, when the horse has maybe….maybe….an inkling of what you might be teaching him…..that you should instead stick with it during the lesson until the horse has REALLY got it….ie…made a significant breakthrough. Of course, I think this can be tricky because I think you really need to know what you are looking for, know that you “know” how to teach it so that you “know” if a lack of a break thru is YOU or the HORSE not getting it….other wise you will seriously risk taking something TOO far, and ruining the horse, both is spirit and his trust in you.
So on that subject, last week, I stuck with it (prior to reading this article) in the beginning, I suppose innately knowing we needed to get to a certain level of understanding before quiting, but I don’t think I over did anything in any way….but as the week went on….upon recollection….I think I was accepting maybe a bit too little from her….thus causing her to put LESS effort into it by weeks end. Maybe I am just conjuring things up in my head as well considering yesterday she quickly gave me a good leg lift when asked. So maybe I am just loosing confidence in myself and my ability to do this. Who knows…..sometimes you can really over think and analyze something to the point that you cause yourself brain paralysis. But I think tonight I am going to stick with it a bit longer, and see what happens.
Savvy On
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